Lake City Friends of the Bears is dedicated to the reduction of bear-human conflict through many educational outreach programs and the use of humane bear deterrents.
Lake City Friends of the Bears was initially started in October 2005 by Russ Brown and Greg Ochocki after a mother bear was shot, and her 2 cubs had to be put down. It was a very bad year for the bears as natural food was scare due to lack of rainfall. Many bears were drawn to the smells of town. They were eating trash, breaking into properties, and they had become bold, and were no longer scared of people. The original organization collected funds and was able to purchase several bear proof trash cans which you will find in our parks today. They also ran weekly ads in the local Silver World newspaper educating all readers about black bear behavior.
In 2012, another bad year occurred for our bears due to drought. By the time October was ending there had been 5 bears killed, and a couple rough encounters at the lake with campers in tents.
Craig & Patrice met with Russ & Greg sharing our new ideas, energy and passions about protecting the black bears of Lake City. Russ and Greg agreed they could take the organization to a higher level, and so with their blessings Patrice & Craig Palmer took over Lake City Friends of the Bears.
On October 26, 2012 Lake City Friends of the Bears was registered as an official nonprofit corporation, and in 2014 obtained 501(c)(3) status.
Lake City Friends of the Bears works very closely with Colorado Parks and Wildlife. We share the same goals and follow the same ideals. We are working hard to keep our bears wild! We also work together with Utah's Sanitation (our local trash service) to solve trash problems.
Major Accomplishments:
• Named Lake City Organization of the Year in 2015
• 196 bear-proof one clip style trash carts being used in the community
• 10 park style handicapped bear-proof trash containers

CCI delivers 6 new bear proof dumpsters for Utah's Sanitation.
Refurbished park trash containers. See before in above photo labled 1 and 2.

Patrice presenting Alice Attaway with certificate of acknowledgement 2018.

Electric shock mat set up to deter recent bear activity at a home.
Patrice assisting Colorado Parks and Wildlife with a artificial den for 2 orphaned cubs.
Educational Bear Box contains replica black bear skull and reticulated skeleton paw.

Bear rug donated to Lake City Friends of the bears from Colorado Parks and Wildlife for educational purposes.

Pioneer Jubilee Womens Club donated $1000 to LCFOTB to purchase and install 4 bear proof food lockers at Wupperman Campground for tent campers use. Thank you!